
Want to get a free .com,.net,.org domain?

We will give you a domain if…

  • You were able to refer Oh Rainbow Hosting to 5  people and they all signed up for Premium Plan Rainbowcake paid yearly.
  • You were able to refer Oh Rainbow Hosting to 6  people and they all signed up for Premium Plan Rainbowshake paid yearly.
  • You were able to refer Oh Rainbow Hosting to 7  people and they all signed up for Basic Plan Rainbowcandybar paid yearly.


  • You were able to refer Oh Rainbow Hosting to 5 people and they signed up for a Basic Plan Rainbowdrop or Rainbowcandy paid yearly.

But how?

  • This is simple, you can use the link buttons we have provided and place them in your website. In our form, we’ve included a “referrer” field. In this part they can fill in where they found out about us.
  • You can also post about us so your readers may be interested in signing up for a hosting plan.
  • You can post our link in social networking websites such as Plurk, Friendster, Facebook and Twitter.
  • You can spread the news offline!
  • You can email your friends about us, but if you do please leave a name/url of your website in your email so they’d be able to include you referred them to our website.

Good luck! We also run contests sometimes and you can join to get a domain in case it was part of our prizes.

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