Cheap Louis Vuitton handbags are in demand much, since it has a numero uno position in the fashion world. A brand like Louis Vuitton is known to set standards in fashion in the world and when it comes to handbags, the style, quality and trademarked designs of Louis Vuitton are unparalleled. Though the original designs of Louis Vuitton are protected by patents, there are many high grade replica stores which sell replicas of the different bag styles of LV.
It is easy to recognize the style of Louis Vuitton since it has some signature styles which are evident on its handbags. The Speedy handbag design in monogrammed leather is one of the distinctive styles of this brand. Though it has been reinvented in different forms, it still makes a comeback every fashion season in an old or as a new avatar. There is one such style this year called the Speedy round GM. This is a bag style which is a hybrid design and Speedy fans will recognize it anywhere in the world. The rounded design and the leather patches on the corners is a new aspect as well as the stonewashed effect that some of the bags has.
One can also shop for the Speedy design of the Resort 2012 collection amongst the numerous Louis Vuitton outlet online. That will allow one to witness the different varieties of the Speedy design that have been launched for 2012. For a more uncommon design, one can look at the Crocodile PM clutch. This is a wristlet clutch, the original bag being in black crocodile leather. There is a wristlet handcuff design and there is a key holder with adornments in diamonds. Close replicas amongst cheap Louis Vuitton handbags of this wristlet clutch will allow one to savor this uncommon design as a perfect night accessory.