I just withdrawn a huge amount of money (than the usual I do withdraw) awhile ago from my online earnings. Yay! I’m planning to save some, use some to buy some things I need right now (also my allowance for daily expenses).
I can’t believe I forgot that I was going to buy a Rilakkuma Wireless Mouse though. I so want one! Being the Rilakkuma fan that I am. I plan to give this one I’m currently using to mom, although I can say it’s been really great for a wireless mouse! Heehee. I just really want a Rilakkuma one for the love of Rilakkuma, the usual me.

I’m not quite sure if it ships to Philippines though (the store I saw in eBay is apparently not available in Philippines :c)
I do hope they allow shipping to JAC (Johnny Air Plus) which I’m about to experience as I wait here for my Amazon purchase last week:)