What is cPanel?

What is cPanel?

cPanel is a unix based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site. cPanel utilizes a 3 tier structure that provides functionality for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners to control the various aspects of website and server administration through a standard web browser.

In addition to the GUI interface cPanel also has command line and API based access that allows third party software vendors, web hosting organizations, and developers to automate standard system administration processes.

cPanel is designed to function either as a dedicated server or virtual private server and it supports CentOS, Red Hat Linux, and FreeBSD.

Application-based support includes Apache, PHP, MySQL, Postgres, Perl, Python, and BIND (DNS). Email based support includes POP3, IMAP, SMTP services. cPanel is commonly accessed on port 2082, with an SSL-secured server operating on port 2083.

(from: Wikipedia.org)

Our Meaning >:)

Basically, with cPanel a person can manage his/her hosting account – install WordPress, Joomla, ZenCart and many more which are some platforms of websites. You can also manage emails, email accounts and your subdomains with the help of cPanel – manage database and files through its help and many more.

How do I access my cPanel to get started? >>

As soon as your host has provided you an account, immediately you will be given information/details regarding your username and password for log-in. Afterwards, go to your cPanel account by typing your whole domain name in the address bar adding up /cpanel at the end of it’s url.

i.e yourdomain.com/cpanel

You will get to something that looks like this

You will have to log-in . To do so, you will use the username and password your host provided you.

Then you will get here

Now you know what a cPanel is!

You can also find here your website statistics, like how much of your diskspace has already been

used, how many subdomains you’ve used and etc.

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