I almost didn’t renew this domain again
..for the nth time! Life hasn’t been so easy and this is definitely at the back of my priority list since I only host a few people now (yes, you can count them with your fingers)
Sometimes I think of just telling these few I would like to stop hosting them but then I also think about how it will be hard for them to do with that and besides at the back of my mind I still also want to do web projects but I never do for years now due to laziness, and I know my knowledge is quite outdated in these things…
But, I’m here! Still! I guess I still need a little push. This year’s really tough too so I can’t say it’s the best and I am so, so uninspired to do much. I have little spirit to do what I used to love to do.
Sorry if that sounds personal. While this domain/website was just a happenstance I’ve had it for years, so for me to let go of it just like that is a bit..right?
May the coming years be joyful to everyone and to whomever still drops by here! I know I fail to push through with everything but what matters is we try, I think. Stay strong! I guess..