Quick update ;)

Hi guys, sorry for being MIA lately. I haven’t done the transfers as well. I’m a little tied up with some online errands. But hopefully by next week I will be able to do the ‘hosting’  stuff. There will be a lot changes.

1. Hosting plans and Prices

There will be a change with hosting plans. As you all know, I am now paying monthly for our other host. I am separating all hostees as well. All shared hosting clients will be staying at the new host while the resellers stay here. I might also start selling Master Reseller soon 🙂

2. The whole website

I spent days on making this layout, but I want a new one! I’m planning to put the whole “hosting” stuff on a sub domain too as maybe the main domain can help me be able to earn money, to pay up for the hosting bills and maybe to be able to get more addons such as WHMCS, WHMEasyBackup and etc, well hopefully!

3. The rules and etc

Might change rules and also add new ones, plus within next month, I will no longer be accepting payments via Gcash. I think, if I will though certain fees will be added as I will have to deposit it on my Eon Cyber Account.

4. Client Area

Even if this is the last one I’ve mentioned, this is the first one I’ve done so far. I’m hosting it on our new host 🙂 I still haven’t done much though, but you can send tickets now if you need anything.

5. Email

I will still be using ohrainbow.us@gmail.com but I might use up admin@oh-rainbow.net and such soon, as I have finally retrieved details of oh-rainbow.net. After a year! YES!


Anyway, I think that’s all for now 🙂